This list contains the most common services we perform for our clients. You can click on any headline for further details about each service. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
Boundary, Property Line Surveys
This is the most common survey. It involves researching the history of the property, surveying the field conditions, calculating the property and, at the request of the client, staking of the property lines. This type of survey is best for additions, fence installations, neighbor disputes, and general knowledge of the property lines and building locations. This type of survey can be utilized by design professionals and homeowners for construction and planning purposes.
Topographic Survey
This survey is more involved and determines boundary as well as grades and topographic features (or relative heights of the land). This type of survey is best for grading, new construction and other site improvements, road layout, building height issues, site development, and some types of permitting. This type of survey can also be utilized by design professionals and homeowners for construction and planning purposes.
Construction Stakeout
This survey is used for many different things. It is used for marking the location of a foundation for a new building on its site as well as other site improvements, laying out of proposed roadways, and foundation as built plans as required by many local inspectional services departments.
This is a survey that is required when an owner wants to divide their property into 2 or more lots. A complete field survey is done and a plan is created showing the proposed division that is then coordinated within all local planning & zoning requirements. The division plan can then be submitted to local city and town boards for review and approval. A subdivision can also be used when two neighbors want to complete a “land swap”.
Condominium Documents
This is a two step process when a proposed or existing building is turned into 2 or more condominium units. The first step is a complete measuring of the interior of the building which is required to produce floor plans. The second step is to do a complete survey of the property that will show the site and include parking for the units as well as common and exclusive areas for each unit.
Flood Elevation Certificates
This type of survey is performed when a property is insured and is determined to be within a flood zone. Most of these are generated at the request of the insurance company in order to determine flood insurance rates. A survey of the property including grades is performed and the elevation certificate form is completed which can then be submitted to the insurance agent.
Mortgage Inspection Plans
This is a survey that is done when a property is bought or sold and is requested by a financial institution or an attorney. This is a “tape” survey and is not accurate enough for site planning purposes.
Drafting & Design Services
We offer drafting and design services for any type of residential building renovation or new construction. From drawing a deck to a large scale house, no project is too big or too small. We can offer a full service project from site plan drawings to building construction plans.
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